Friday, March 27, 2015

No daily fashion photos from Costa Rica

The Pacific Coast of Costa Rica

Hello everyone

We have been in Costa Rica for the last 3 weeks but now we're home. Boy did we have a great time!!

We have already started figuring out when we can go back. The plan for the next visit is to look serioulsy at housing so we can make a decision about where to live when we relocate.

I originally thought I would be able to take photos of my daily outfits and post them to the blog. Right!  That idea went out the window really quickly! With 5 people all wanting to do different things there no time for a luxury such as "fashion" photos. Of course I took a gazillion other photos and will share some of them here once I get settled.

Just wanted to check in.

Be back soon.

Me and the man @ Le Cameleon Hotel in Puerto Viejo, on Costa Rica's  Caribbean Coast 

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